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quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

The Media and Us!

Hello everyone! VAGABundo decided to post an article we made about the Media!

We use different types of media, depending on what we want to get from it.

To see the news, we prefer to watch the tv newscast, but if we want more
detailed information about a certain news, we rather use the internet for it.

When it comes to communicate with others, like most of the teenagers here, João and Juliana prefer to use the mobile phone to send text messages, but Ema prefers to use the internet for it. Tools like Messenger and Skype are very popular, specially to communicate with people that are far away from us.

Social networks are also highly used to communicate. A few teenagers use Hi5, but more recently Facebook became a growing phenomenon. Nowadays, almost every teen owns a Facebook account.

If we had to chose only one mass media mean to use, we would choose the internet, because it's kind of a combination of the other mass media forms. Either if it’s to research for school purposes, to use Social Networks, to watch videos of news, our favorite Tv shows and movies on Youtube, to listen to music or hear podcasts and to seek information about everything, the Internet is what gives us more power of choice: we see what we want, whenever we feel like it.

In spite of being the generation of the Internet, we still spend some time watching tv. Our favorite shows are Family Guy (see video below), How I Met Your Mother, American dad, Skins, The Big Bang Theory, Glee, Dr House, Grey’s Anatomy. We also like to watch music channels like VH1.

We also enjoy to watch sketches from the Portuguese Comedy Group “Gato Fedorento”. They are very known and appreciated by the Portugese, because of their ironic criticism towards the Portuguese society.

American Tv shows like Family Guy and Youtube personalities like Ray William Johnson are very popular amongst teens nowadays. They influence the way we speak, act,
and some of them became references of our generation.

Nowadays we see the media as a source of entertainment, while our grandparents saw it as the mean to get news. During our parent's generation, media was still manly seen as a thing to get information and news, but entertainment on them media started to grow. However, our parent's didn't focus as much time to the media as we do now.

Regarding our grandparents' time, there were a lot of people that couldn't read, specially in the more rural areas, so they listened to the radio to seek for news. Those who could read used to buy newspapers.

Regarding our parents, the ones who owned a TV used to watch it, but nothing compared with how we do it nowadays. Besides TV, they listened to the radio and, occasionally, read magazines.
On both generations, communication was made manly face-to-face, but for longer distances they used to send letters. During our parents' generation, the telephone was also used occasionally, and not everyone owned one.